don't you hate stunning mofos???

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Jointhe Wingless Movement
Honestly though people that put crap up for sale should get back to you... I'm waiting on 3 different parts from different people... one hasnt' been that long but two have been taking their precious time... and I have cash in hand... i can see where the op is coming from but I can see where everyone else is coming from... save ur $50 and go buy a dictionary


Wammm bammm BOOMMM!
alright girls my fault i dint know yall ladys care about grammer...
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you paid him before having it atleast in your line of sight? thats your fault...
he didn't say that, but i totally understand why you thought that..

i seriously had to read the OP ten times before i fully understood it. initially i also thought he lost his money.

I don't see why this guy is getting so much heat. Its in the lounge
Right? Of course, we should have an official rule and some form of disciplinary action for people who constantly "typ l1k dys" but we're in the lounge, and it's his first post.

We should be laughing at/with him rather than chastising him!

Honestly though people that put crap up for sale should get back to you... I'm waiting on 3 different parts from different people... one hasnt' been that long but two have been taking their precious time... and I have cash in hand... i can see where the op is coming from but I can see where everyone else is coming from... save ur $50 and go buy a dictionary
Agreed! I've won eBay auctions and didn't hear ANYTHING(confirmation, tracking, feedback) for WEEKS before! I don't even want to get into craigs..I appreciate CI's rules and trader ratings.

And thanks to the guys who actually responded to the OP rather than frying his ass.:pimp:
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