don't you hate stunning mofos???

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This thread is yet another example of the falling standards of American education.
OP, get used to people not getting back to you about parts, it's a common theme in the automotive world.
Also, try and type like you have some form of education. We don't ask you to type the next great American novel for every post, but using proper grammar, spelling, and syntax(or something close to them) is respectful to others and appreciated. We don't want to have to get out the Enigma machines to decode your posts.


Unregistered User
well.... Different from all the hate going on....

I definatly understand where you're coming from. Some guy wanted to trade me som Kosei K1wheels for my meshies... was all for it till I sent him pictures, then hasnt gotten back to me.

That's just my most recent... too many people dont call/email/text back.

my other problem is window shoppers... fuckers that dont hav emoney. lol


Just call me chris.
well.... Different from all the hate going on....

I definatly understand where you're coming from. Some guy wanted to trade me som Kosei K1wheels for my meshies... was all for it till I sent him pictures, then hasnt gotten back to me.

That's just my most recent... too many people dont call/email/text back.

my other problem is window shoppers... fuckers that dont hav emoney. lol
i window shop. but its kinda like the sponsor selling the headlights. doesnt post price in the thread. so im thinking aftermarket headlights will run me maybe 200 tops which id be willing to pay and he wants 600 for them.


Wammm bammm BOOMMM!
well.... Different from all the hate going on....

I definatly understand where you're coming from. Some guy wanted to trade me som Kosei K1wheels for my meshies... was all for it till I sent him pictures, then hasnt gotten back to me.

That's just my most recent... too many people dont call/email/text back.

my other problem is window shoppers... fuckers that dont hav emoney. lol
lol yeah i agree with you..


Why so serious?
Oh my God! That's the coolest fucking story I've ever heard in my life! Can you tell it again, do you have time?
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