Colorado Meet


I know I have several friends going to the Nation Wide thing tonight.... It's always on the wrong nights -_-


level 77 troll
The key to a bike is what you're comfortable with, all the 'badasses' say bigger blah blah blah
Not exactly, you gotta factor in weight and height. A 250cc won't carry my fat 200lb ass anywhere. I'd blow the motor trying to get up to freeway speeds. And I'd ruin the clutch from having to dump it at 6k to take off. 600cc+ or don't ride it on public roads. It isn't safe to have an underpowered bike on public roads. I ride every day, I'd be dead if it was a 250cc


New Member
If it takes a person to burn up the clutch and the motor to get more comfortable then let it be because thats what they need to do. Also If a 49cc scooter will move a 300lb guy I seriously doubt that a 250 would struggle to move you, and if you need to launch at 6k then you need to go back to a tricycle because you have no business riding. If you want to share your bike expertise go to a bike forum, no one here gives a rats ass about bikes.

I assume by the lack of usable information in this thread that no one is ever going to do a meet?


Nope, and no comments on the auto, I know, it'll be gone soon enough. Garrett t3/t4 with a log style manifold, blitz bov, tial wastegate and all piping and intercooler, getting an fmu as well


New Member
Ive seen auto cars boosted so I dont have anything negative to say about them.... Theres an auto supercharged rsx around town here and its been going for quite some time - So you will have all that done by this weekend?