Colorado Meet 'Chat Thread'


New Member
Sissy, I drive the teg in that stuff :rocker:
I wish I had an auto LS to drive in the snow, so I dont have to take my other one out, auto is so much nicer to drive in the snow... and if somebody uninsured hits me, they dont fuck my good car up... kinda wish I still had my DA to drive around in the winter like I used to do....
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I could care less what I'm driving, driving is driving for me, I make driving an auto fun lol, manual sucks around town


New Member
No offence to those auto teggers out there. :lol: Not naming names.. COLE :lol:

Like i don't get a thrill out of driving one. all there is to do is mash the gas.


:lol: no offense taken :) your problem is you're driving automagics that aren't integras ;) and besides, it let's you focus on other aspects of the driving ex. How lovely your car sounds or the road or the cute girls checking you out cuz you so fly ridin in a teg ;) Lol


New Member
But sometimes i bet you get distracted because all you do is push a pedal and steer.

Plus i get plenty of chicks checking out my Pontiac. :roll: :lol: