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Blown Head Gasket
Just took the car to a radiator repair shop because it was drinking a lot of antifreeze. They told me that I had a blown head gasket. I'm so upset, I just paid a mechanic $1700 to fix my head gasket last summer! The warranty on his work expired in June! Why on earth did this head gasket blow again? I don't think that the mechanic did it right the first time. When he gave me back my car, the temperature needle would climb high whenever I was idling. I took it back and he told me that it was normal. It wasn't normal. It never did this before--I could idle and the temperature gauge would barely go up to 25%. After a few days, I took it to an Acura dealer who said that the previous mechanic did not properly attach the by-pass hose, and the car was losing coolant. The Acura dealer fixed the hose, but the hot/cold needle still continued to do the same thing. I couldn't afford to keep taking it back, so I kept an eye on the coolant and added fluid almost every week. Now it's gone again! I don't know how to find a mechanic who knows what he's doing . . .Ok im reading your posts on the other threads and it sounds like i might know what it might be, when it does start and you have it running, at anytime does it run like it missfires or runs ruff espeacially when taking off. Does it ever blow white smoke on more than one occasion. And has your car ever overheat before this all started. Anything else that you can think of that feels different when the car i running will help so if you can think of any other thing you might have left out will help. one more thing check your dipstick for the oil and under the oil cap and check to see if theres any white chocolate looking residue.