Car is being Maaco painted as I type :) Plus pics


Looks pretty damn good in the pics. How is it up close? Find any runs or orange peel areas or is it all pretty smooth?


New Member
Not to thread jack but how much do you guys think a front bumper paintjob will cost?


Im curious how it is up close too as far as runs and orange peel etc... You mentioned you had some rust fixed. was it just surface rust or all the way through the metal. I want to put some new paint on my db1 next spring and it has some rust on both rear quarter panels all the way through. I dnt feel its worth spending thousands of dollars on a paint job but it could use some fresh paint.


I had some stuff painted by one Maaco here in Frederick, Maryland that does plenty of classic cars and show cars. It was recommended by my friends. I could not be more happier then ever. The paint is still holding up after 5 years.


not a girl lol
like the OP said, all the places are privately owned so I guess it's all about the people who work there


nothing from nowhere
it's a crap shoot, thats all. yours looks good. i dont like the paint they use, dosent harden enough imo