Alright well im pretty happy im new to all this and i have gone a long way im learning alot but i still dont know enough but this fourm is very helpful and hopefully i can help the same back alright well back to the car im pretty sure i found the brain but it does nto have a name on it? so idk if it is a brain or it is and its a ghetto alarm i have no idea but heres some pics ill explain them again..
This is the box that i found it was up under the das had take the plastic off and a piece of metal that was bolted just had to loosen that up to get the box out from there.
That is the only thing on the box no name what so ever.
Wires coming out from the box.
if im not mistaken this would be the ground? not sure if hooked up corretly.
And the yellow wire all the way in the back of the picture that is comin from the engine im guessing i have no idea i tried looking for it under the hood no where to be found so i have no idea
So please reply if that is the alarm then how would i go about taking it out? just un plug it and ittl be fine? is there anything conected to the started or to the engine? because i almost got my car the way i need it now i just need this mess out so please help on how to take it out and stuff and that yellow wire.. please guys im almost there u guys helped me outalot i really appreciate it