New Member
I have a 95 Integra gsr bored to 82mm with high compression pistons sittin on 5lbs boost. I keep throwing a map code and when I'm in first I hit boost n fine I hit second gear n hit boost its starts cuttin up in every other gear. I'm runnin stock fuel pump rail n injector n everyone says its fine for 5psi but I don't no if why it keeps cuttin up. When I drive it without hittin boost it drives perfect but when I step on it is when its gettin problems. O have a adjustable fuel pressure regulator n its reading 60psi. I also tried installing a 2 bar gm map sensor but the car won't stay on with it. I don't have a tune in runnin a base map for now. I don't wanna hear get it tunes n all that other shit I no that but I don't have the money to do so right now n I no plenty of cars that are boosted with no tune n r reliable to a degree. I don't no if a missing link will help of my map sensor is bad do I need to get another 1 or what