boosted integra 5psi stock map problems


New Member
I have a 95 Integra gsr bored to 82mm with high compression pistons sittin on 5lbs boost. I keep throwing a map code and when I'm in first I hit boost n fine I hit second gear n hit boost its starts cuttin up in every other gear. I'm runnin stock fuel pump rail n injector n everyone says its fine for 5psi but I don't no if why it keeps cuttin up. When I drive it without hittin boost it drives perfect but when I step on it is when its gettin problems. O have a adjustable fuel pressure regulator n its reading 60psi. I also tried installing a 2 bar gm map sensor but the car won't stay on with it. I don't have a tune in runnin a base map for now. I don't wanna hear get it tunes n all that other shit I no that but I don't have the money to do so right now n I no plenty of cars that are boosted with no tune n r reliable to a degree. I don't no if a missing link will help of my map sensor is bad do I need to get another 1 or what


crank the boost way up and beat on it so it can sit and wait while you save money for a tune and a rebuild

1994 Integra

New Member
I have never heard of being reliable un-tuned. You put your kit on. And the base map is for DRIVING to the tuner.


New Member
okay i need some actual insite not stupid fucks with stupid ass comment n it is rebuild. i lost my job n im just tryin to get it runnin right so i can get a job n get it tuned. n 94 integra i no thats y i said to some degree

1994 Integra

New Member
I'm trying to give you some insight as to you getting it tuned. It has to be seen if your injectors have reached their max duty cycle, or the pump has reached max output. Their is not a need to fill me in with your personal life. Just trying to help with the car.


Active Member
Take said turbo off until you can afford a tune. Motor will go boom before you know it and then you'll make another dumbass thread asking why did my motor blow and we'll all be like, shoulda got a tune. Just my .02.


New Member
and this is why i dont use the forums. if my injector or fuel pump reach max compacity why am i throwing a map code


Active Member
Lol. Maybe you could try getting a base map from someone running a similar setup or use crome or some bs. I dont know anything when it comes to tunes.


Not a M0derator
if my injector or fuel pump reach max compacity why am i throwing a map code
You said basemap. Basemap for turbo? Does it have load columns for boost? Do you know anything about tuning? Can you datalog what its doing? If you can datalog you can verify if the MAP sensor is working correctly. Do you have a wideband? You cant boost on a basemap unless you know the AFR is safe. And you certainly cant install a 3bar MAP sensor without rescaling the calibration.



New Member
yeah its base mapped for a turbo n i didnt do it i had a buddy chip it for me n he does alot of the base maps so im sure he did everything right. n i have a narrowband n from lookin at it it seemed to be running fine just when i step on it in second it gear it goes lean n throws the map code. n thats what i figured if i throw a bigger map sensor it would have to be tuned for it. but would a missing link help from throwing the code


Not a M0derator
Narrow band is completely useless. It can only tell you if AFR is richer or leaner than 14.7:1. How much it doesn't know. Its range of accuracy is very "narrow".

The MAP CEL is either one of two possible reasons. Either the sensor is completely bad or the basemap is not setup for boost. If you or your buddy can log a quick pull you can verify if the MAP sensor is good or not. Seeing varying manifold pressure in the datalog means that its working.

Since you only get the CEL when hitting boost and not normal driving I think its the later. If the basemap is not setup for boost it will act just like a stock ECU would, and freak out with it sees positive manifold pressure sending a CEL. If thats the problem then yes blocking boost to the MAP sensor via a missing link would solve it. But its hacky and its easier and cheaper to fix the damn basemap.
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