$18/50 hrs a week, isn't worth it if it's spread across 7 days. You'll quickly miss your free time since you aint doing jack shit. My old job was retarded, trying to cross train all the time, and not giving any compensation for it. Zero chance for getting any overtime since I was just in the office, I was bringing in fucking $2k net every month. If you want someone full time and need someone everyday who is punctual and shit, you should fuckin pay them so they aren't thinking of getting a second or third job just to make ends meet, since average rent out here is like over $2k a month for a one bedroom apartment, in the shitty part of town where my Integra and CBR will be stolen in the first week.
Anyways, with the new job, I'm getting better and better and every check has been bigger than the last one, so my net for the last two weeks was like $1500, and then I realized my bonus from selling Ducatis and used bikes was an additional $200 :lol: From what I hear from my coworker, he gets a lot of sales, so I imagine his checks are pretty sweet, but I only got $400 rent at home and pets, whereas he is probably renting, pays child support or alimony, so money is tighter for him. Though I'll take more money if they give me the sale haha