Battery draining


New Member
no it has been like this. and its not the alternator because i left the car running for half hour like i jumped it then took it right off like didnt charge it or anything then left my car running with everything i can on lights ac radio fan everything for 30 min didnt die nothing nothing went dim so it has to be the battery and i am going to leave the bater terminals off everyday until i start it because that works so its either the battery is messed up or there is a serious erious drain haha.


New Member
I know its not the altenator because i jumped the car and left everything on ac radio lights and all that jazz for 30 min no dim nothing so it cant be the alternator but then if its not the alternator it must be the the battery or a serious serious drain but have a feeling it is the battery..


Super Moderator
You said you already had the battery tested? Did you actually have it tested or did they just try and charge it without testing it.


New Member
idk they said they tested it they said tey didnt know there gonna have to charge it because it only came up 50% or something so they charged it and it worked or whatever but then what else can it be like i dont know anything that can just kill the batterywith in couple seconds like i left the radio on for couple seconds nadit wouldnt start?


New Member
Yea i thought it was backwards but didnt wanna say anything and get yelled at lol


New Member
lol yep, O and to everyone whos been helping and stuff im buying a new battery on sunday so ill let everyone know if that is the problem hopefully :)


New Member
Well i fixed the problem for draining the battery i just bought a brand new one put it in and it works like a charm now :) feels like it got more power to lights etc.. starts right up thanks alot guys..