Battery draining


Super Moderator
there is no need to go get a meter and all that shit... just take your battery and have it tested... then go from there
He already tested the battery and it was good. He can use the meter to test the alternator. They are cheap and it is easy. You may want to read the entire thread before making a worthless post.
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New Member
So if that fuse is blown just replace it and that ill fix the problem hopefully that is it is that located under the hood?


New Member
Yea im going to check the fuse then thats not it then get a meter thing but i was going to buy one the other day to do it but the guy said that is not good for u it can go threw you or mess up the car idk what he was talkin bout so my mom said nvm lol


Unregistered User
nah dude... Multimeter is the best tool you can have when it comes to electrical problems.

Seriously... Go get one. lol


tougê hêrmit
the fuse is under your dash but there are a few charging system fuses under the hood too check all of them it may save you hundreds of dollars.....


New Member
Well the fuse isnt blown well the only fuse that has alternator in it is alternator solonoid valve which is not blown im thinking it might be the volt regulator which is making it kill the battery that bad or its serious drain .


New Member
Lol yea ill get one tommorow but i didnt check the fuses under the hood ill check that out.


New Member
Oh and another thing my cooling fans i guess you call it are connected directly to the battery if tha makes sense i dont know if that would cause a prblem or not theres just two wires connected directly to the battery one to the negative then a switch connected to the positive to turn on one of the cooling fans is that ok?


tougê hêrmit
check the ground on the alternator and the ground in your fuse box..

make sure these are tight



New Member
Wheres the ground for my altenator? i dont even kno where my alternator is located.. And i do remember taking out one of those fuses with like copper on the sides with screws that might not be on correctly would that cause this??


New Member
O well yea thats good i guess idk its grounded idk if its good or not? but it was like that when i got it and it was fine a while ago so im not sure its that. and i checked the other grounds there fine idk what it can be its really pissing me off now but is it deffinatley either the alternator or the battery thats shot? and ima just buy the volt meter tommorow what should it be just a voltmeter or something special?