ya, i wouldnt go for a ls/vtec, because they arent that reliable. this is due to the long rod/stroke ratio. vtec gets all its power from reving high, but when you rev an ls motor past 7000 rpm, it probably wont last for long. personaly i would just purchase a b16 or b18c and rebuild it. doing that wouldnt even be that ba in price compared to an ls vtec. from what ive heard if you want to do ls vtec right, its going to cost around 2000$.
:roll: in order to cost $2000, that's upgrading parts that you don't even need. To make it faster and even more reliable, just the basics that will keep your LS/VTEC reliable would cost less than $1000.
People have LS/VTEC's revving to 10,000rpms, the only reason they don't last over 7,000 is STOCK, which if you're building an LS/VTEC, you should be replacing the connecting rod bolts, and then you will be fine revving to 8,000.
somewhere along the lines, people seem to beleive that LS/VTEC's aren't reliable. this was back in 2000!!!! before they made conversion kits, dowel pins, etc. an ls/vtec is in my opinion, probably the best B-series motor.
my own ls/vtec engine lasted EIGHT years! And guess what, it didn't even have arp rod bolts, it had used b16 bearings, it was peiced together with garbage parts laying around a shop, and it lasted that long and was so F'n fast for a completely stock LS/V. it finally blew due to my part overheating it.
anyways, i wouldn't rule out the LS/V engine just because some people don't think they are reliable. they are a nice engine, just build it correctly get all the clearances set, and get it properly TUNED! tuning is essential for a long lasting LS/V. and it is engine of choice for my fully built turbo engine i'm working on