**Anything Goes** Version 6.0

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nah dude. I was just making cookies for myself. Other guys and girls where there.
i'm sorry, but i'm calling you out, jake.

there were two girls there, but they weren't the ones baking.

what's that say?

jake makes for a good house wife..


Unregistered User
lol i called him last night...this was our conversation....

me "hi. what are ya doing, kutch?"
kutch: "nothing much."
kutch again: "awwww maaaan, i think i burnt the cookies, guys!"
me: "why the fuck are you baking cookies?"

so yeah. jake's definitely homosexual status now.
Trinh... do you remember the other conversation we had earlier this week? I'm pretty sure that makes me not a homo.

and there's plenty of strait guys that like to cook! Just because I know how to make cookies, doens't make me gay. lol


Trinh... do you remember the other conversation we had earlier this week? I'm pretty sure that makes me not a homo.

and there's plenty of strait guys that like to cook! Just because I know how to make cookies, doens't make me gay. lol
you're right. it just makes you a baker.

i think martha stewart likes to bake, as well. i don't question her sexuality.
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