**Anything Goes** Version 6.0

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Super Moderator
I got new tires for the GST....................damint!

Prolonged my willingness to drop the big $ on GSX tires and possibly new rims


i'm either going to get brain damage or cancer from working on my teg. maybe even both...


Unregistered User
why don't you go bake some more cookies with your "boys," you pansy!
lol!! Trinhy baby... I'm sorry.

There were girls there too, remember?

Funny story... My buddy's were drunk and started playing this game they made up:

Permanent marker
Pizza Cardboard
Blow gun. lol

You draw a circle on the pizza cardboard and name it "[insert name]'s glory hole"

Then stand across the room from the man with the blow gun, hold the cardboard between your legs, and watch to drunken men shoot blow darts at each other's glory hole.

Sounds ubber gay, I know, but it was really funny to watch.


Wait, you bake with other dudes Kutch? Homo much?
lol i called him last night...this was our conversation....

me "hi. what are ya doing, kutch?"
kutch: "nothing much."
kutch again: "awwww maaaan, i think i burnt the cookies, guys!"
me: "why the fuck are you baking cookies?"

so yeah. jake's definitely homosexual status now.
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