Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Unregistered User
Cheesenip said:
females, luckly mines sick so i get to go do what I want

Hope no one looses any fingers tonite
Mine is pretty sweet. it was actually her idea to see it last night so I kinda like her a little better! lol


Unregistered User
lol! wtf is that?! I'm downloading it now. lol

nah mines good to me, but a pain to others.

She even let me set off illegal shit tonite in her driveway
lol, thats sweet. Its good to have a girl that'll tell you whats on her mind tho. lol, that way you don't have to guess!! I think she's only pissed off one buddy so far, but with good reason behind it. She said what I wanted to say, so its all good. lol

She's still sweet tho. tomorrow night she's taking me to Transformers again (w00t!) :woot:, then we're going to summer fest friday night... It's going to be a long week for me... I can't wait.... :roll: lol

it should still be sweet tho.


I <3 2.4l's
lol! wtf is that?! I'm downloading it now. lol

lol, thats sweet. Its good to have a girl that'll tell you whats on her mind tho. lol, that way you don't have to guess!! I think she's only pissed off one buddy so far, but with good reason behind it. She said what I wanted to say, so its all good. lol

She's still sweet tho. tomorrow night she's taking me to Transformers again (w00t!) :woot:, then we're going to summer fest friday night... It's going to be a long week for me... I can't wait.... :roll: lol

it should still be sweet tho.
mines managed to piss off all my buddies, but i dont care


gf of obsessed teg driver
WoW I was really confused between the two of you since you have the same avatar. Freaky!!!!
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