Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Unregistered User
lol I'm not sure if I was offended or not. I mean I found it funny how he brought it up and what he was saying. I just don't see why he'd want me to sell something that is MINE to get something that would be OURS. See what I'm getting at?

I don't know. At the end of the day, he's really a great guy. I guess I'm just not used to it.

Talk to you later, Jakeys! Jake and bake! Jaaaaake the snaaaake!
lol, he should know how to drive stick... hell, my girl learned on my car how to drive... BY CHOICE! She wanted to do it! I didn't even offer, she asked one day "will you teach me?"

thats a turn on. lol, now she just needs to take me out for a ride in daddy's boxster... lol


07 BMW 328Xi
i wanna watch transformers but my girl wants to postpone the idea till saturday. not cool. and she's complaining about our plans for today cause she wants to go out........... then i asked "why the hell are you working then, you chose this day to work." i honestly dont get it.
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