Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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New Member
2 looks better! and i have a new project on my ride now lol. its gonan take some cash save up but i think it would be worth it. since pwp comes in tan interior.... im gonna get it custom black interior than buying the black stock interior. im gonna have my interior all sueded (dunno how u spell that) all around and my ceiling w/red stitching on the seats,center console,dash board, side panel! steering wheel and have red carpet and red inserts on the panel doors.


Unregistered User
G3GirL said:
OHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Here's a funny story. One of my brothers was underneath his car working on it the other day and sneezed. LOL I guess it was a big sneeze, because he hit his head preeeeetty fucking hard. He has a black eye now. ahhaha! Shit looks like he got his ass beat. I felt bad for him at first, but then it became funny. No one's going to believe him when he tells them what really happened. If I wasn't there, I would have thought he was lying and got into a fight. Man oh man. Good times. I love my brother. lol
lol! Thats like strait out of a movie!!!


lol! Thats like strait out of a movie!!!
That's what I'm saying! Haha He woke me up early to put makeup around his eye this morning...LOL!! I kept giggling, but I did it anyway. I did a GREAT job on the cover-up. You can hardly tell it's there anymore. Refer me to all your gangster friends, guys. I have a great black-eye-coverage-portfolio...

Maaaaaan..the bf wants to pick me up at 6:30 in the fucking A.M. tomorrow! He'll be lucky if he gets me outta bed by 9A.M. on my last day off! Shooooooooooot. I told him I'll cut him ear to ear if he even attempts to wake me up at that time. lol I guess I'm just a sweetie like that. *blushes* hahaha...but seriously, Kutch, I think I'm gonna be single after the 4th of July. He's kinda girly. I dunno. We'll have to be text ninjas soon!!

It's going to be 106 tomorrow. I hope we won't have to be outside until night time. 97 degrees at 9P.M. Woot!


Unregistered User
lol, I've been waiting for a couple weeks now...

My story has gotten better. lol, Just hit me up when you're ready baby!


I wonder if it'd be fucked up if I just break up with him tonight...or maybe just wait it out. We're total opposites, though. Plus he told me to sell the teg last night and we'll get a newer car. LOL What an asshole...I LIKE my old car! I'm not sharing cars. That was a total turn off. He offered his stupid truck (lol how ridiculous would I look driving a huuuge ass truck?!) or his '07 Corolla. I don't see how I'd win in that deal. lol I'd sell my piece of shit and get another piece of shit?? No thank you.

Yeah, I don't know. I have some thinking to do soon.


Unregistered User
oh man... The only reason my girl told me to get rid of the teg is because of how fucked up it is now... lol

she said "I really like the car, but you've been having so many problems with it... maybe like a newer one or a better one?" I wasn't offended tho, I've been planning on picking up this civic for a while now, so its all good. lol


Okay, I wasn't going to tell you guys this because it's gay, but yeah. He doesn't even drive stick! By CHOICE! What kind of man can't drive stick?! I mean seriously. Maybe I'm just being picky.

Okay, yeah, that shouldn't matter. If that means I'm picky, then I am. It's just a turn off, I suppose.

I'm not the world's "greatest" driver by any means, but shit. He's gotten into two accidents that were completely his fault since he's gotten his license. I'm not saying that I want a guy who can drive like a F1 driver, ya know? His driving ability (or lack thereof) shouldn't determine who he is, but shit...

lol It's not like I'm LOOKING for flaws. They're just kinda My sisters have decided that I'm being an asshole. I'm really not, though. Those are my pet peeves.

At least he's good with directions......

if we ever make it there.


oh man... The only reason my girl told me to get rid of the teg is because of how fucked up it is now... lol

she said "I really like the car, but you've been having so many problems with it... maybe like a newer one or a better one?" I wasn't offended tho, I've been planning on picking up this civic for a while now, so its all good. lol
lol I'm not sure if I was offended or not. I mean I found it funny how he brought it up and what he was saying. I just don't see why he'd want me to sell something that is MINE to get something that would be OURS. See what I'm getting at?

I don't know. At the end of the day, he's really a great guy. I guess I'm just not used to it.

Talk to you later, Jakeys! Jake and bake! Jaaaaake the snaaaake!
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