So im stuck in this fucked up situation...i had just recently found out that my friend does the grading for one of my class and he found out that i was in the class so he changed my previous 2 test scores to a 0 when I had gotten A's on my test. He won't change them back until I give him something or do something for him. (WTF...what kind of friend is that eh???) To him it's all a joke, but honestly I don't take it too well when someone fucks around with my grade like that. I have proof of what he did and I'm thinking of talking to him to change my grade back before 10th week (finals) and if not than I have no other choice but to go to the dean, though at the same time I don't want to get him in trouble. So yeah...
And another thing, my other friend is also taking the same class with me and have missed both test, HOWEVER I just checked the grades and apparently he had SUPPOSEDLY made A's on both test without ever going to take them. WTF...the schooling system is all FUCKED up now....
GRRRR...sorry Im just pissed...and could use some input.