Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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I <3 my Neon
oh i will bro there is a red one that this dealership wants 13k for i might try and get that one instead plus the red one is better condition anyway
g2teg, for that money you better look for something else thats more reliable... the 7's are a endless moneypit... get i nice type r


I <3 2.4l's
Robbie, after riding around applying at places..I didn't make it down there today. HOLY SHIT thats a farrrrrr ass drive for the pay, I don't think its worth it for me at this point unless I get more desperate. I make good money now, but I really want to get out of my job. I need something I go in, do my job,and get paid. Fuck this comission bullshit
i know, i personally dont plan on beein there long, but i have a car payment and other bills so i need something till something better comes along


Yeah. I have a job NOW that pays the bills,but I need to find something else. Just let me know whachu find or anything...hook me up f00 lol.

If I see anything i'll send it your way,I'm searching my ass off right now


I think my cousins are coming to visit soon. These are cousins I've never met. Since I'm working from home now, I think everyone is expecting me to entertain them. That wouldn't be such a problem if it didn't mean me having to spend money to take 'em out. lol I'm such a cheapass...


OMG this shit scared me for a second...


this one still makes me laugh...

this, too...

what a bad puppy...haha



Unregistered User
Trinh! Is that your home on the last one?

shit... working from a home like that you could go anywhere with your cousins!! lol
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