Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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I <3 my Neon
well i just found out some shit on the 7 so im giving it back to the guy i bought it from needs like 1500 in parts, just parts to get back to running like it did from the factory
told ya man, sorry to hear though... i was hoping for another 7 owner on CI.


Robbie, after riding around applying at places..I didn't make it down there today. HOLY SHIT thats a farrrrrr ass drive for the pay, I don't think its worth it for me at this point unless I get more desperate. I make good money now, but I really want to get out of my job. I need something I go in, do my job,and get paid. Fuck this comission bullshit


The Transporter
So, I had to take 2 emergency days off work Fri and Sat. Calling and leaving the manager a message about it 2 days before (never talked to him). Then I put a note and crossed out those days on the board. Todays my first day going back in after that. LOL, I wonder if their going to fire me :shock:. Really it wanst THAAAATTTT bad.


save a a porno
fuck fuck fuck i hate stupid people why couldnt they be upright honest abd say hey i think the seal might be bad fucking asshole


The Transporter
fuck fuck fuck i hate stupid people why couldnt they be upright honest abd say hey i think the seal might be bad fucking asshole
Because, if you make a car look like that you MUST have something wrong with you. I hope you can get your $ back man


save a a porno
oh i will bro there is a red one that this dealership wants 13k for i might try and get that one instead plus the red one is better condition anyway


Fingers and toes look funny. I guess it would look funnier without them, though.

I need a touch-up for the summer. My hair's not looking so hot right now.
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