Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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Bang bang, trinh shot me down

Bang bang, I hit the ground

Bang bang, that awful sound

Bang bang, my hooker shot me down....

btw - its the intro song to kill bill vol. 1 i think?
Did you just call me a hooker, Khoa? lol That's not nice.


He's just a very tricky fucker. There has to be a way, lol. Like that video where he walked across a pool at a hotel. Yet nobody walked past him, because there was a beam that was practically un-seeable, that they knew was there. Boo.
That's what I'm saying! Didn't his shoe fall off during that stunt, though? I dunno.

What about the Las Vegas thing? I thought he did it in front of a lot of people? Well I guess since he was way up at the top of the Lexor, no one can really tell if it's real or not. Man, that guy...very sneaky. It still entertains me, though. Except for yesterday. I think there was a freakin' marathon on of Mind Freak, so I kept watching. Eventually I got tired of trying to figure out if it was real or not and just turned. Haha


word word word word word.


i should wash the teg again. boooo for outside parking.
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