Anything Goes Chat - Version 5.0

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>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
Bang bang, trinh shot me down

Bang bang, I hit the ground

Bang bang, that awful sound

Bang bang, my hooker shot me down....

btw - its the intro song to kill bill vol. 1 i think?



He's just a very tricky fucker. There has to be a way, lol. Like that video where he walked across a pool at a hotel. Yet nobody walked past him, because there was a beam that was practically un-seeable, that they knew was there. Boo.


Unregistered User
I care, Jake.



I kinda want to go for a drive, but I don't know where to go. I should visit someone.
we haven't talked for a long time! I work at 7:30 every morning so thats why i didn't get/respond to your text the other day. lol

sometime I'll have to catch you up on everything tho. I don't know when, but some time.

now I'm going to bed... I have to work a 12 hour day tomorrow then take my girl out tomorrow night, all on about 4 hours of sleep.... that's going to be fun...!!


morning bitches.I'm at work,and TECHNICALLY not suposed to being using the internet anymore. but hey. I had to firgure out how to hack the intranet..we have microsoft IE but he blocked the search function,so I was using media,then searched,and click show related links,but that got blocked when I came in I firgured out another way :)


Hahah, i'm at work too. But my boss doesn't give a damn that i'm online. I love my job.. times.


I work at home, so no one gives a shit what I do, as long as everything's done.

June 29th! The iPhone comes out. I want that shit. It's sexy. If I didn't lose my second job, I would SO fucking get it. Ugh.


gf of obsessed teg driver
i'm tired and it's only 3 o'clock I don't get off work till 5 and then I have class till 9....blahhhhhhh
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