8urcivic said:
red high heels..........for that second job?
no, red high heels because i just want a pair. once in a while you need a to wear a pair of bold shoes that say, "hey, lookie me!" lol
i wouldn't expect you to understand, though. you probably have about two pairs of shoes, both equally raggedy.
JDM_Conversion said:
wobble wobble. <--- that's how trinh walks since she's a duck. so how would that work with high heels. must have kankles! lol.
alrighty im out. gotta take a long drive on the highway to get the babe. im out nuckers!
:whip: go pick your gf up, servant.
p.s. your duck jokes don't offend me. you already know my avatar kicks ass.
jdm_integsr said:
trinhgsta, what IS That second job?
the trinhgsta doesn't do that kinda work, homefry.
Kuchtaboy said:
Trinh... you need to get all the shoes out of your car... lol That might help.
i seriously do. lol it's the weekend. i'll probably end up adding more to the collection. which would SUCK if my car gets broken into. i need to get another shoe rack for my room, too. i'll probably clean out the teg this weekend when if i have free time.
8urcivic said:
shes gona be pissed when she come back
never, my little retarded friends, never.
WOOOOOOOOOOT! since all my neighbors have been taking turns hosting the parties all this week (lol yeah, that's how we do it here!!), we're throwing the bbq tomorrow. i love my block. everyone just leaves their garage open to work on cars, hang out, and drink. i'm happy we don't have old neighbors. well except the two families at the corner. i don't think they really give a rat's ass, though.
man, i gotta go pick someone up at 7. well...suppose to be there by 7. lol fuck that shit. i'll leave when i'm READY!