Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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Super Registered User
Kuchtaboy said:
I DO have wireless interenet almost everywhere I go. lol

I don't really have money... have you seen my car? I'm going to school to be a tech tho. already have a job too! :woot:

haha!.. thats dope!.. well no i have not seen your car.. buh thas good that you're going to a tech!.. and you have a job!..

i wanna work at a cell phone place.. make commision.. i'm better with ppl than i am with paper.. i get paper cuts.. ppl don't cut me.. as often..


the plumber man came to fix the crack in the tub. one down, two more repairmen to go. they needa hurry. it's not like i have something important to do today, i just would like for them to do it. lol the bathtub guy sprayed some shit that's making my eyes burn. the whole house smells like it. chemically...


Unregistered User
Ghettokracker71 said:
lol about what? I'll talk to you if you buy me some rear camber bolts and omni coil sleeves
uhh.... I don't have enough money to buy myself something like that, why would i buy it for you?! lol


Ghettokracker71 said:
lol my integra is a monster truck
mine, too. you know how people measure their wheel gap using fingers? i have to do mine using arms.


Main Entry: 1curt·sy
Pronunciation: 'k&rt-sE
Variant(s): also curt·sey
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural curtsies also curtseys
: an act of civility, respect, or reverence made mainly by women and consisting of a slight lowering of the body with bending of the knees

lol oh man. makes me laugh. i'm not sure why. *curtsy* *curtsy* *curtsy* they're funny to me.
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