Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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Ghettokracker71 said:
me I was posting in this thread until my girls alarm was going off and she starting bitching about me still being up so I went to for a little nap :lol:
:whip: lol


iNOhc said:
tell me about it!!!!.. i didn't get home til 2AM.. had to be up @ 5AM!.. crappy job!.. and crappy commute.. and crappy.. .. .. umm.. .. traffic!
what do you do? i would hate to wake up at 5AM. i already have trouble waking up at 6! which is funny, because i work from home now. when i had to leave for work, i still woke up at the sametime. i don't know what i do all morning, but i need to cut down on it. i usually don't go into work to get shit until 8AM anyway. i could get an extra hour of sleep in the morning, which would be frickin awesome.

damnit, the phone's ringing. it's all the way downstairs. repairmen, i bet. they're supposed to come fix things today.


what the hell were they selling at 3 in the morning? i'd be pissed. lol

i don't know how, but i started getting spam on my phone (text messages). it was weird. once in a while, i'll get an automated message in spanish. i don't know why i listen, because it's not like i understand it or anything. i just kinda listen for my name or to see if it's a real person. lol gets me everytime. haha


lmao what in the hell...You know that company Vonage? They kept calling me 3x a day for the longest time and hanging up when I picked up. I googled the number when it kept calling me, I had to email them like 2 times and call and talk to 2 or three people until finally they stopped calling. I kept telling them I don't even have a 'land line' or home phone,its cell or nothing baby


Unregistered User
iNOhc said:
you have wireless internet?!... lucky bastard!... god!.. i'm moving to your area and you're gonna help me get a job doing what you do!.. i feel like the poorest person on this site!!!
I DO have wireless interenet almost everywhere I go. lol

I don't really have money... have you seen my car? I'm going to school to be a tech tho. already have a job too! :woot:


Ghettokracker71 said:
lmao what in the hell...You know that company Vonage? They kept calling me 3x a day for the longest time and hanging up when I picked up. I googled the number when it kept calling me, I had to email them like 2 times and call and talk to 2 or three people until finally they stopped calling. I kept telling them I don't even have a 'land line' or home phone,its cell or nothing baby
the one with the corny commercials? lol

"Look, baby! A dolphin!" maybe i'm thinking of the wrong company, though.
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