Anything Goes Chat - version 4.2

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save a a porno
just got model chick throw some d's on that bitch lol song grows on ya anyw3ho just went and changed the oil, bought a new rad cap and yeah


Unregistered User
I just fucking got pulled over! Grrrrrrr Fucking cops have nothing better to do...

I wasn't doing anything wrong either! running some errands for my mom and I came over this hill with 2 cops at the bottom of it enjoying their coffee and doughnuts. One of the cops pulled out and followed me for about 4 blocks. I was ready to just pull over and wait for him, but he beat me to the punch line. lol

Him - "I ran your plates before and there was an emissions violation in the milwakee area on this plate registration"

Me - "officer, I've NEVER been to milwakee with this car... I don't know what you are talking about. can I get some more info on that?" (I really haven't either)

Him - "well can I get your Name, address, DOB.... Blah blah blah"

so I told him everything and he came back about 2 minutes later

Him - "well I guess there's nothing there anymore... Maybe it was a glitch in the computers or something. but I'm sure it was there for your car, and I'm sure it was your car. You're pretty easy to pick out from the crowd. not too many people have the same paint job as you got going on here"

Me - "Well I guess it must have been a glitch... I've never been there before..."

Him - "well, sorry about that... Have a nice night and try not to get into too much trouble... Oh! and if you do, try not to get caught! seems like you've been doing a pretty good job of that for now..."

I didn't say anything back to him after that. I just got out of my car and went into the store. Pissed me off!

Fucking cops need to stop stalking me! GRR!!!! I stopped street racing over a year ago! I mean, I didn't even have a fucking car for a year! I can just see the conversation between the 2 cops before the new guy pulled me over:

Old cop - "oh, there's that Kuchta kid again..."
New cop - "who's that?"
Old cop - "he's one of those damn street racers"
New cop - "oh yeah? I should go pull him over for something... what tho?"
Old cop - "that exhaust sounds kinda loud. Make something up about milwakee. I hear there's a big street racing scene down there"
New cop - "okay! sounds good!"

GRR!! oh well, I'm over it. I was about due to get pulled over anyways. Its been about a month since the last time they pulled me over for nothing.. fuckers.



Kuchtaboy said:
wow, thats a long post.

good story tho, read it! lol
lol good story, kutch. woulda been an A+ from me if they gave you a ticket for something. :thumbs up


07 BMW 328Xi
alright i have a recent story that just happened 5 minutes ago.

i was thirsty as hell and needed to pull money out of the ATM so i headed down to the closest store. it seemed pretty quiet and no cops were around. i pulled into the lot and parked (only car there was mine). i walk in and buy some 2 liter drinks for the family. i had trouble with the ATM because it was slow as hell. i paid for the drinks and walked out. someone turns on their headlights, blinding me for a bit. as i walked to my car i looked over my shoulder and noticed 5 spanish dudes staring directly at me. they were in a EK and watched me walk towards my car door. first thing that came to mind was press the alarm to show that my shit was secured. as i opened the door, the civic door opens.

in my mind. 2 things were about to happen. this dude was gonna try to jump me or he's going into the store. i rushed into the car and locked it manually as the guy walked slowly towards the store door just to quickly run back to the car. as i reversed all eyes stared at me and as i passed them. at that moment they reversed also and pulled out of the lot following me home.

these fools tried to follow me like i was retarded and wouldnt notice. i came to a hill and slowed down a bit then downshifted then bammmmmmmmm from a 1 car length i made it 15 lengths. i highly doubt a EK with 5 people would be able to accelerate from low speed on a hill. i passed my street by 3 blocks and took a turn with my headlights off. i made it home safely without them finding me. im just glad my NESTEA was okay. :lol:
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New Member
yeah, but i still own you in the corners kooch, except for today when i was comming around a corner and was driving kinda fast and tool the corner to fast with a little bit of sand on the road probable and my back end swung around and almost did a 180 degree spin, it all just happened in slow motion, then i came to a complete stop like 6 inches from the ditch, the scary thing was while it was happening i didnt seem to care what was happening, i just let it slide and what happens happens, kinda scared the shit out of me finally when i came to a complete stop and was going to turn around, i was liike, shit i did it again, except this time it wasnt on purpose, last time i was in my EK coupe and i pulled the ebrake trying to drift, yeah, i know i was a stupid ricer then, but now im not ive got an EK hatch and smarter at least


Unregistered User
lol!!! That would fucking rock! oh man!!

I don't know if I'd laugh really hard or cry cause of knowing how much that would hurt!!

(I got shocked by a distributor.... 3 times. lol)
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