*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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New Member
well this afternoon i went to the International Carevent show at S.F with my family and look at the all new 2007 cars! it was pretty cool. when i got there i went stright to Honda section lol and looked at the new line up. its pretty funny how some kids over thee dont know anything when i over heard some kid saying heh the new civic looks slow and the engine are crap. i was like oh no you didnt say about them k20 motors! stupid kids! lol
anyways lexus inrorduced some cool automatic parralle parking car the LS models. i also check out the RDX reall nice and also the TL Type S so amzaing! i was hoping to see the concept skyline there but it appears not to be there =( maybe next year they will have it at the show!


Unregistered User
rar! I'm so bored.... today is going to be one of those days, i can tell already.

dezasfdre32wesr4wesd.%!!!!1 I need to go get ready, I'll yell at you friends later. Probably wont be on for the rest of the weekend either... Fucking family, NONE of them have wireless internet. I'll see if maybe i can steal it off one of their neighbors. haha! STOP ME NOW FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[/crazy rant]

Later nuks


The Transporter
FUCKKKKK DSM FOURMS! They SUCK. Their such dicks. Its like TI.net X 2! Even on smaller local fourms their douches. They HATE outsiders or new comers. They are very closed in that sence. Only the venders on the fourms are nice.. DUH they want my money, they better be nice to me. I tried to suggest a thread like this one saying it worked so well on other sites *COUGH COUGH*. But all I got was a "Well go back to the other sites." Douchinhimers (its a word. because i want it to be). ERRRRR.

This excludes a certian DSM owner who is cool (prob because he used to have a GSR).

*rant end*

on a side note.... Car for sale! HAHAHA

Decided to go Downpipeless on the GST. WOW that sounds MEAN. Its soo deep for a 4cyl car. Even screaming it stays deep. And hearing that turbo in its full sound............ Intoxicating!


save a whore..buy a porno
speedin said:
FUCKKKKK DSM FOURMS! They SUCK. Their such dicks. Its like TI.net X 2! Even on smaller local fourms their douches. They HATE outsiders or new comers. They are very closed in that sence. Only the venders on the fourms are nice.. DUH they want my money, they better be nice to me. I tried to suggest a thread like this one saying it worked so well on other sites *COUGH COUGH*. But all I got was a "Well go back to the other sites." Douchinhimers (its a word. because i want it to be). ERRRRR.

This excludes a certian DSM owner who is cool (prob because he used to have a GSR).

*rant end*

on a side note.... Car for sale! HAHAHA

Decided to go Downpipeless on the GST. WOW that sounds MEAN. Its soo deep for a 4cyl car. Even screaming it stays deep. And hearing that turbo in its full sound............ Intoxicating!
lmao that sucks bro do......take too deep breaths...... you feel better know? lol


The Transporter
g2teg said:
lmao that sucks bro do......take too deep breaths...... you feel better know? lol
some what. Except my chest hurts (thats not too good of a sign, eh fuck it. I croak, I croak :lol: ). On another positive thing, I think ill make $500 working fri-sun, 9-5. Selling some children Cd's at this fair in Allentown,PA. Oh and I saw a Thunder Grey Teggy lowered on hubcaps and some exhaust. Anyone on here??


save a whore..buy a porno
speedin said:
some what. Except my chest hurts (thats not too good of a sign, eh fuck it. I croak, I croak :lol: ). On another positive thing, I think ill make $500 working fri-sun, 9-5. Selling some children Cd's at this fair in Allentown,PA. Oh and I saw a Thunder Grey Teggy lowered on hubcaps and some exhaust. Anyone on here??
extra $$$$ is always good lol


Super Moderator
Well 18 hour flights suck balls but I'm back! My car has been sitting for over a week and I guess it just fixed itself because it runs perfectly fine now :what: But I am going to go look at another car tomorrow. See if I can't find me a decent, realistic and reliable daily driver....something a little newer with a little more room. Hopefully it checks out good, I'll buy it tomorrow if it does.


save a whore..buy a porno
dc2GS-R said:
Well 18 hour flights suck balls but I'm back! My car has been sitting for over a week and I guess it just fixed itself because it runs perfectly fine now :what: But I am going to go look at another car tomorrow. See if I can't find me a decent, realistic and reliable daily driver....something a little newer with a little more room. Hopefully it checks out good, I'll buy it tomorrow if it does.
you want a 88' honda accord? lol
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