*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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New Member
yay! tommrow im gonna pick up my ps3 muahahah! cant wait! wish the time speeds up!! =(
gonna pack some heat when i get into the store lol


New Member
Kuchtaboy said:
OH MAN! that would have been amazing! lol

I work at a GM dealership, so get to drive cadi's around all day. My favorite tho was the GTO. Brand spankin new and i got to pull it out to the shop to wash it... oh man is that fucker quick! lol

Sad thing is i would trade anything to work at an acura dealership. Who cares, once i get out of school thats where my app's going. Then I'll be able to WORK on the NSX. lol. I cant wait.
im also almost done with school! im gonna see if i canwork at Honda just acorss the street from my mercedes dealer and work there! and get discounts on parts lol


Super Moderator
speedin said:
mabye your gst was restitched? I mean thats the only 2-tone seat ive seen in a eclipse
I've seen a few 2-tone Eclipses. They were all stitched different than the solid color interiors like my GSX and you GST Spyder. I've never seen one like mine though, every other one was grey and black 2-tone...seats and all, like mine but opposite
spikehairboy said:
ahha seem like u knew wahtsup with rotaries too bad gen 2 dont really make power.
It had a mild street port on it as well. It was pretty quick but it just served as a daily driver for me while I worked on my GSX.


Non-Registered User
lol my homie camped out for a week with 1000 cash and two big ass mexican homies that are going to buy up a couple too lol. it gets crazyy!


New Member
spikehairboy said:
lol my homie camped out for a week with 1000 cash and two big ass mexican homies that are going to buy up a couple too lol. it gets crazyy!
u should seen San Fransico! about 1000 already in line! craazyy! and over new york they already got them ps3 :O!


07 BMW 328Xi

lets see news. news. news.

got a second job. $$350+ a week. um. still working at CVS, but might quit since it does me no good to work there once a week. trying to register for classes at my university, but all the advisors are dicks. i want to go to UTI, but i dont know if my parents will approve.


Unregistered User
JDM_Conv3rsion said:
i want to go to UTI, but i dont know if my parents will approve.
Dont do it! If you have a regular tech school you can go to with the automotive program do that instead. UTI just rapes you of your money. You get the same thing from a tech that you do there, and you have more time to understand. its not worth it at all.


Non-Registered User
dont be silly ketchup uti will get u out faster and top 10 gets to work at places like porsche dealerships.

but then again. they cram that shit into ou brain and top 10 is only possible if u have no life. bu 18 months of no life for working at porsche. iooonooo might be worth it..


Unregistered User
I agree with you, but when you learn all of transmissions in a week I highly doubt the average that you'll know whats going on. I'd rather take the time and learn what's going on rather then going to work at porshe and fucking one up.

besides, UTI isnt the only entry to those dealers, anyone can get in.

I'll sacrafice 2 years to save $10,000


i left work early today because i am a dedicated employee. mannn i'm fricking sick AGAIN. the end. thank you.
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