*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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i think the gloomy weather is putting a damper on my mood. last two days = rain. :thumbdown hope it doesn't rain tomorrow night. have to drive far. :???:


MoJoJoJo said:
smile it will clear up...

i think u have a pretty smile look at my sig!
lol asshole...

maan i just claybarred and buffed the teg again. fucking rain. imma take everyone elses car today and just leave mine in the garage till it clears up. lol


kiss my ass. lol fucking jerk. i'm not in a fighting mood anymore. wasted all my energy. lol i'm sick, it's freeeeeeeezing here, and the weather sucks.


randooom pics

a few RANNNNNNNDOM pictures on my phone...

stupid weather...

you can't see it in that pic i just took, but my street looks like it's gonna flood lol

HA HA. look whose shit car broke down again...second time this week.

my r/c bike i bought lol 24" long. not cool like the one they have out at Fry's, though..where the rider leans into the turns and stuff. haha =) fun to mess with when ya drunk anyway.

some cat that decided to walk in my garage and just hang out for about an hour or so. lol so i took a pic of it.
make yourself at home, cat.

the end. waste of picture messaging.


MoJoJoJo said:
cali ftl....there is no such thing as a front yard...who's mustang is that? is that a gt?
yeah, the front yards get smaller and smaller to make the houses bigger inside i guess. the older homes have an okay size front yard, though. not HUGE like other parts of the country.

one of my brother's mustang. not a gt.
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