*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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07 BMW 328Xi
well now im gonna explain my racing story of halloween night.

is it really considered a race if someone launches before you even get ready?
such as, im behind the car? not even beside the other car.
well after talking to my cousin and others they concluded that it wasnt a real race because it was more of a chase. which is true in all points. i never really got to go beside the car at all! not even close. i switched lanes to prevent colliding with a truck into his lane. and he downshifted and went. i tried to hang on but LS/VTEC has some advantage in tq. so he basically had a head start. i topped off at 130 because it was no point in chasing. stupid me. :smackself the guy claimed he won by putting his hazards on.

i wanna hear some input on this!?


JDM_Conv3rsion said:
i wanna hear some input on this!?
Main Entry: 1 race
Pronunciation: 'rAs
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English ras, from Old Norse rAs; akin to Old English r[AE]s rush
4 a : a contest of speed
I'd say it was a race. Just not a fair one. Chase, race, same difference to me. You're still trying to get ahead of the other car (with both of you fully aware). I woulda just put my hazards on and pulled over like your car was broken. lol j/p Maybe he threw his hazards on as a way of saying, "Good race..."? I don't know. Here, people usually throw their hazards on so A) people following you can find you again or B) cop ahead.


07 BMW 328Xi
G3GirL said:
I'd say it was a race. Just not a fair one. Chase, race, same difference to me. You're still trying to get ahead of the other car (with both of you fully aware). I woulda just put my hazards on and pulled over like your car was broken. lol j/p Maybe he threw his hazards on as a way of saying, "Good race..."? I don't know. Here, people usually throw their hazards on so A) people following you can find you again or B) cop ahead.
what's with the definition. i guess it wasnt fair. ill find him again. i swear people always race me on 495 since its 3 lanes.


Unregistered User
wait, you asked. lol

Yeah, I call that a BS race. I hate when people say they win after something like that. Pisses me off.

I've never heard of the hazards when you win. We usually just stop and say nice race. I guess our area doesn't really have a street racing scene yet tho. There are only like 4 - 5 actual tuners in out city, so there really isn't anyone to race. lol


guys are dumb crybaby whores. for the record, i hate you all. the end. HMPH.


Type R
cigarette tax going up in a couple states. good now you people will have to pay closer to what i pay hahahahaha. even though i'm quitting so it don't matter
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