*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Kuchtaboy said:
Hey Trinh, go try this, okay?

looks like fun.
Kuchtaboy said:
lol, nice.... trinh should easily fit then! lol, did she say she was only like 3' 6"? lol
5'3, fucker...lol i don't fit in microwaves.

i'm bored. my relatives from Houston and Orange County came up here to visit and stuff. i thought it'd be the ones around my age, but apparently only the old ones came this time. all they do is pinch your cheek, give you random kisses when you're busy doing stuff, and squeeze you like you're five. lol i'm 22, damnit. past the age for that kinda crap.

whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy are old people soooooooooooo boringggggggggggg? since i'm home during the day, i have to entertain them and take them places. omg, this is how old they are. when i was sitting in the living room talking to one of my cousins just right now, one of my aunts walked and sat in the massage chair in here. when she past me, all i could smell was Bengay. lol such a nice smell.


Kuchtaboy said:
lol, oh boy... I love old people! lol
i bet you do, cougar hunter. lol i watched a special on that.

rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i have to go pick up one of my brothers right now. his p.o.s. car has a blown head gasket, so he can't get around. HA HA. that's what he gets for making fun of the teg.


Unregistered User
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I have an A/C exam that i didn't know about today.... I thought it was on monday, guess not. fuckin sucks...


Unregistered User
I'm not really falling behind, I just didn't know about the exam... Thats not good when you start falling behind...
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