*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Unregistered User
^^ did he just quit too? Come on guys, the problem is over with! wtf?! get over it. Its done with! ^^

Speedin, can you please just say that your sorry? Maybe then we won't have people being dumb like this anymore


The Transporter
Sorry for what? lol. locking a dupicate thread? if it will stop all this stupidity over all this then fine



New Member
i found my old car today!!!! my very 1st car i own was a 92 accord! found it when i was parking at my bank and when i got out my car adn turn around i saw it parked and i wasent sure if it was my car and i looked at the licsen plate adn i remember it and i was like :O! miss my old car lol been 3 years i sold it


no foo i dint quit i had 2 shit and did u call me dumb?? and plus i dont need no apology from anyone just stop being a punk ass bitch and let shit be stop deleting shit leave it alone


Unregistered User
I didn't call you dumb, i meant the whole argument is dumb. Its over with, extreamly childish in my book to keep bringing it up.

acurals209 said:
and plus i dont need no apology from anyone
Then what do you need to stop talking about it? I haven't seen anything moved or deleted since the thread was closed. It was closed for a reason, so it would end, please dont drag it over to another thread. Its over with, come on man, is it really worth it?


Kuchtaboy said:
I didn't call you dumb, i meant the whole argument is dumb. Its over with, extreamly childish in my book to keep bringing it up.

Then what do you need to stop talking about it? I haven't seen anything moved or deleted since the thread was closed. It was closed for a reason, so it would end, please dont drag it over to another thread. Its over with, come on man, is it really worth it?

yes because this means there going to do what they want wich is bs like posting after it was closed to prove a point supposably wich is bull shit bro its a load of crap
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