*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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lol i already checked...no birdie there..

one of my brothers is pissed as hell. lol he was draining the coolant from his car to start taking apart his engine, but the hood slammed shut. it was in the service position, but now it's neither here nor there. it's stuck and won't open. =X so far he's put three small dents in his hood trying to pry then slam that shit. i guess i shouldn't have pointed them out, but i didn't want him to fuck it up anymore then he had to.

we have noooo idea where it's jammed. oh man. looks like it's gonna be a long night. i was getting sleepy, too. he's all frustrated, so i'll stay up and help him. ohhh and my finger got stuck in the grill once so far. lol fucking guy told me to stick my finger in the smallest hole because he couldn't and try to pull the latch up while he fucked with the hood. luckily he didn't smash it! i pulled it out too fast lol. i would have been mad. haha okie, back to helping him. he took a break. i feel bad for him. he's been having all kinds of bad luck with that car...


p.s. i just noticed today that the banner changed. looks good. i like how the winner's name is in there, too.


Ominous G2 said:
That is awesome!!! All the shit you gave me, now you slaughter a bird.
i didn't slaughter it! i just bumped into him a little.

it was probably that orphan birdie, whose mother you killed with your car, trying to find a better home...

don't worry, though. i think i may have given him a free ride to see her. =X

awwww, poor bird. who told him to be so dumb...:(


i don't understand this whole exhaust/catback thing. can someone break it down for me? trinh no comprende.

p.s. i think i'm going to make a new anything goes chat tomorrow. it's too hard to navigate this one on the cell from work. =P


Unregistered User
yeah. Fuck 4!

we're not ready!!!! lol. Drama has to happen before 4 can happen.

btw, trinh is the bird killer.


07 BMW 328Xi
:twisted: i woke up 6 o'clock in the morning to wake my girlfriend up by calling her a potato a million times. then she finally kicked me off the bed. not cool man, not cool at all. :nono:


Unregistered User
why would you call her a potato?

how do you feel about that 8urcivic? what is it like to be called a potato?


JDM_Conversion said:
:twisted: i woke up 6 o'clock in the morning to wake my girlfriend up by calling her a potato a million times. then she finally kicked me off the bed. not cool man, not cool at all. :nono:
is this your girlfriend?

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