^^^lmaorofl funny story so me, my friend nate and his somewhat girlfriend were trying to find him some new lug nuts for his car because he bought new wheels and the stock lugs were to big so were on 1300s and state street its like 10:30 at night and were headed toa autozone which we found out just closed as we pulled in but on the corner of 13th there was this group of people just singing right so me being the blunt asshole that i am, roll down the window and i quote " hate to break it to you but your not america's next fucking american idol " right after i said that this lady walks down the side walk and gets no more then 50 ft away from my friends car and and starts yelling back " jesus died for you on the cross so your sins can be forgiven, he is the almighty on high " and me not even hesistating " i dont give a shit, how about you suck my dick" and i mooned this group as we were turning left onto state street , my friends gf couldnt stop laughing...just thought i would share