*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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I was debating on buying these pair of shoes today, but didn't want to waste money on stuff when I really should be saving. So I decided to go to the store to buy other stuff and ended up spending about as much as the shoes cost on stuff I probably don't need. lol Should have just gotten the shoes. I'd be much happier.


Unregistered User
Ominous G2 said:
I got the JDM thin moldings, I think they look better than shaved.
X2. I don't like the look of shaved DA's. The only shaving I'll be doing is the key holes. lol


Unregistered User
G3GirL said:
I was debating on buying these pair of shoes today, but didn't want to waste money on stuff when I really should be saving. So I decided to go to the store to buy other stuff and ended up spending about as much as the shoes cost on stuff I probably don't need. lol Should have just gotten the shoes. I'd be much happier.
You would...

I got my new phone today. Finally... lol


Unregistered User
lol, nothing special. The newest version of the Razr. lol. I wanted it cause I'd break the slivr screen in no time at school, and I got an ipod for christmas so i didn't need the crazr. lol. Either way, its going to take some getting use to. I was all nokia for a long time. The buttons are so weird! lol


i wore out the buttons on both of my razrs with my nails, because i'm a text ninja. lol


Unregistered User
lol, weird... so is that 6 fingers on one hand then? lol

I'll be a crazy texting machine once i figure out these buttons. This girl i know is mad at text responce, so I need to catch up...

haha, get it? My nick name is ketchup, catch up?... lol...... Damn... I stayed up too late last night. (thanks trinh...)



hey when is the iphone suppose to come out? is it really in june? because that's a longggg time. my pos phone will probably break by then.


omg that was real corny, kutch...lol you're a dweeb. fucking doofy. what movie was he from? i don't remember...but yeah...you remind me of him.
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