*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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07 BMW 328Xi
eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk i think its leaking from the bottom as well from the screw. so all in all. new radiator with everything. hrm....... koyo radiator maybe?


okie, i realllllly think i should leave for work now. i'm really pushing it this morning. haha


Unregistered User
lol, isn't that every morning? Maybe if you didn't "go out" every night you wouldn't have this problem. lol


07 BMW 328Xi
Kuchtaboy said:
lol! way to go jimmy boy. Thats just a sign your not meant for cars. get out. leave.
lol. go get a life homo. you're not meant to be an e-thug. man im done 6 hours whooo hooo. changed my major to electrical engineering. kutch your car should be in the next V-DUB commercial.

time to unpimp zi auto. **** then they blow up your car **** rice should be cooked and eaten. haha.


its been raing for a week or so down here...so on the way to work today...some asshole in a TC was driving all crazy and shit cutting in and out of traffic...and he cut right infront of me....like 20 feet from the red light....i was like WTF i had to lock my brakes up, on the wet roads...didnt hit him.

so he launches for no reason...half way across the street hit looses it and tries to recover, the call stalls and he go on the curb LOL

i drove by roll down my window and started laughing at him...he started cussing at me and shit, i just drove off laughing


Unregistered User
^^ lol, street racing ftw!!! Your metro probably got him excited and he wanted to race.

JDM_Conv-three-rsion said:
changed my major to electrical engineering.
What'd you use to be in?

JDM_Conv-three-rsion said:
kutch your car should be in the next V-DUB commercial.

time to unpimp zi auto. **** then they blow up your car **** rice should be cooked and eaten. haha.
lol! Why is my car rice? lol, I don't understand!!!

That would be funny to see tho. Just a car exploding with rice pouring out of it. lol


07 BMW 328Xi
Kuchtaboy said:
What'd you use to be in?
i predetermined my major to mechanical engineering but i talked to my uncle who was a valedictorian in his class and he has a masters in Mech. Eng. but still makes less than my aunt that is a english major. he said it's not worth it because of all the advanced work you have to do compared to other engineering.


Unregistered User
Loserone said:
i have a eg hatch not a geo
I know, I'm just giving you shit from trinh's post way before

JDM_Conv-three-rsion said:
i predetermined my major to mechanical engineering but i talked to my uncle who was a valedictorian in his class and he has a masters in Mech. Eng. but still makes less than my aunt that is a english major. he said it's not worth it because of all the advanced work you have to do compared to other engineering.
ah. just going for the money, eh? lol

I don't blame you. I've actually started having second guesses about being an automotive technician. Its sweet and all, and I'm going to finish school, but I don't know if i want to be here for the rest of my life.

Cars are a hobbie, and I don't want it to become a burden on my time. Maybe I'll stick with it and love it in the end, but for now I'm starting to think other. Either way, I'll still finish school and work for a while to fully decide
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