*anything goes* chat v3.0 bigger, badder and uncut

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Unregistered User
Going to bed because speedin is posting pictures everywhere and I cant keep up and its pissing me off. lol



teg9five said:
id like to know when the hell my CI stickers are finally gonna be here damn it
when you pay for them, you dumb whore.

you bitches done talking shit? lol i've been gone for maybe a day and there's a whole page dedicated to me. assholes.

oooooooooohhh we bought the christmas tree today 8) house smells christmas-ey
oooo and the stupid fucker didn't even tie down the tree good! we were going 30 MAYBE 40mph and i look in the rear view of the accord and see the tree slipping down. lol lucky i didn't tip him. i woulda been pissed.
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:evil: i'm SO fucking irritated right now, it's not even funny. i just got done with my longass rant post and then internet explorer decides it wants to freeze up on me. :evil: or maybe it's a sign. lol.

so one of my sisters decides that it's a good idea to wake me up at 4AM today to tell me to wake my brother up before i go to work...:bitching:
me, "wake him up yourself. i have stuff to do in the morning."
her, "but he needs to get the car..."
me, "what car?" at this point, i already knew what car. i just wanted to give her shit for waking me up lol i'm an asshole like that at 4 in the morning.
her, "yours."
me, "WTF do you guys always take my car for?!"

longggggggggggg story short, don't wake me up at FOUR in the fucking morning to TELL me (not even ask) that you need my car when you know damn well i have work in a few hours. inconsiderate. should have told me in advance because i have shit to do, too. then if i happen to fucking let you borrow my car, FILL UP THE FUCKING GAS AFTERWARDS!!! fucking rude. i've spent over $80 on gas last week ALONE, when all i normally need is about $10, MAYBE $20 of gas to get me to and from work for a whole week (work's close by)...and that's with going out. this is the 3rd or 4th time she's done that shit within the last week. why does she decide it's a good idea to inconvenience everyone else because she "needs" to go somewhere? if she fucking needssss to go somewhere so badly, then how come she doesn't get her ass dropped off next time instead of ME having to get dropped off to work? i have my own damned car. okay, granted it shouldn't be THAT big of a deal if i get dropped off at work or not, but i like driving myself and i like to know where my car is. i also like knowing that when i get off work, my car will have gas in it. :x i could fucking go on for hours, but i should pobably try to go back to sleep. so, basically, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.



07 BMW 328Xi
i know how you feel. having someone borrow your car, but your just too nice to say 'NO'. haha i prolonged to say no and eventually the person i let drive my car got into an accident with me in the passenger side. that was the last straw.


JDM_Conv3rsion said:
i know how you feel. having someone borrow your car, but your just too nice to say 'NO'. haha i prolonged to say no and eventually the person i let drive my car got into an accident with me in the passenger side. that was the last straw.
^ yeah, i know what you mean. it's harder for me to say 'no' to family, too. i love them too much. plus i'd feel all mean and selfish if i didn't let them borrow my car, drive them somewhere, blah blah blah. *sigh* shit happens.
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