I'll be trying out for the squad prob wont make it though :lol:

I'll be trying out for the squad prob wont make it though :lol:
Where do i apply? lolLol Afro...you will have to submit an application.
lol, true. But thats a long way offYou'll eventually run out of things to fix and it'll be like a brand new car. lol Look at it that way.
nandayo? turn the spell check back on!!!kdgkldjnglkjdrng;jawnrglkajenrg;aenrkgjnerg
what you need to do is stfu......Need coffee.
I thought we agreed to only speak in secret code on here? Read every fourth letter and make a word.nandayo? turn the spell check back on!!!
hahahaha just keeping shit balanced!!!!Hahahhaha Gurley! What is WRONG with you?! lol Told you I can never be nice to you.
Eh. I don't want to lock up the shop, get in my hot ass car, and drive to Starbucks.dkjlfdjk jkdsajkljsa djdkjkjoj
Then get someI still say coffe shops should deliver. Asshats.