Theres nothing not to love about the upgrade. Judging by your picture i dont think your projectors are gonna stick out. They seem mounted about the same distance as mine from the bracket.
Yea its probably a bit farther out than mine is although my projector lens holder isnt flush with my bezel either.
I havent decided and probably wont, if ill sell my front when i get the jdm going. I like having my original parts but why would i ever go back to the usdm?
My first integra had the jdm front end with chrome headlights than wrecked and put jdm front with black housing front and got rid of it. 2nd integra had 98-01 front, 3rd integra 94-97, And I kinda like the 98-01 front the most so I want to convert the 94-97 to 98-01 lol.