I said I could, didnt say I would :lol: but heres my proof that I can rofl
$2.6k to my parents
$3k for my car
$400 for insurance
Rest is for my car :laugh: Well not all of it..
I'm trying to save up most of it for next summer, I wanna try and move out finally. I'll bring my gf over from Washington so we can rent together. Probably get her a job at my work, dunno.. Anywaysss
*Update 5/18*
So on Tuesday night, I was laying in bed, as I'm about to slide my Palm Pre open... And I slide it a little bit and a little screw drops into my hand. I lol'd cuz that was not good.. Then my phone became a 3 layer mess..
So I spent $400 on a new phone rather than new rims
HELLA WORTH THE MONEY SO FAR!! This phone is truly epic.
Anyways.. We got the new headlights in yesterday, hooray
We'll get the 6-point bar in on Saturday, as well as my DC header. I have a video of inside and outside of the car of how it sounds now, but I'm still figuring out my phone. Its coming along