5 noob questions (no laughing plz)

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
I thought rev-matching was heel-toe with out the brake lol.

I do it when daily driving. I always thought saving clutch over gas. lol


Super Moderator
Rev matching is matching the speed of the input shaft (from the engine) of the tranny to the speed of the output shaft of the tranny (which is obviously connected to the tires). It is better for the whole drivetrain regardless or the conditions or purpose


Oil Field Worker

I don’t think its bad for your engine if you only use it as an emergency... If you do use it over and over could cause pre-ignition or Detonation from the engine getting too hot. (It's REALLY bad when that happens)

That’s only in extreme cases though, don’t do it over and over and over in High RPM. Use it more as a safety instead of a constant purpose.

If your really worried about saving your brake pads, I don't know what to tell you... Your going to end up replacing them around the same time anyways.
My father has a 91 toyota camry and he has been downshifting his car no problems. He's had the same brakes on his car for 2 years now, and his engine is still in tip top shape. I downshift on my integra as well.. Yeah sure if your cruising 60 in 5th and you drop it down to 3rd thats going to be hard on your car, but i think its perfectly fine to downshift the car if your doing it right.

As far as the clutch goes on the car, you want a little bit of play in the pedal.. I remember reading that he said he wanted or needed to adjust his clutch because he had play at the top of his pedal.. This is good, you want that play. Once there isnt any play, you might want to check your pressure plate and clutch disk and flywheel. 8)
