i dont think so.. i do it when im going to fast...Nk200 said:This is a cool post, I didn't know slipping the clutch was bad.
What about using gears to brake? I heard this is good because it saves breakpads, but is there a down side?
Gas?Nk200 said:What about using gears to brake? I heard this is good because it saves breakpads, but is there a down side?
Using your gears to brake (AKA compression breaking, AKA downshifting) would not be bad for your engine unless when you drop it into too low a gear so when you let the clutch out it takes you above redline, which basically means you're a retard and are downshifting way to far for your current speed. For example, you're going 70 on the freeway and you downshift into 2nd gear.Kuchtaboy said:Gas?
I don’t think its bad for your engine if you only use it as an emergency... If you do use it over and over could cause pre-ignition or Detonation from the engine getting too hot. (It's REALLY bad when that happens)
That’s only in extreme cases though, don’t do it over and over and over in High RPM. Use it more as a safety instead of a constant purpose.
If your really worried about saving your brake pads, I don't know what to tell you... Your going to end up replacing them around the same time anyways.
well saidIntegration said:Using your gears to brake (AKA compression breaking, AKA downshifting) would not be bad for your engine unless when you drop it into too low a gear so when you let the clutch out it takes you above redline, which basically means you're a retard and are downshifting way to far for your current speed. For example, you're going 70 on the freeway and you downshift into 2nd gear.
Downshifting does cause more wear on the clutch unless you're rev-matching when you're letting the clutch out in the lower gear and then letting off the gas.
Yep, that's the logic I use about downshifting to slow the car. That's what brakes are for, and pads are a lot cheaper and easier to replace than clutches.dc2GS-R said:Brake pads are much cheaper and easier to replace than clutches. Brakes are meant to stop you, clutches aren't.
Providing you're rev-matching when downshifting, there is as little wear on your clutch as there is when upshifting. If you're good enuf at rev matching, you can downshift without even using the clutch at all.dc2GS-R said:Brake pads are much cheaper and easier to replace than clutches. Brakes are meant to stop you, clutches aren't. You shouldn't downshift all the time just to slow down during regular driving.
Thats bad for your syncro'sIntegration said:Providing you're rev-matching when downshifting, there is as little wear on your clutch as there is when upshifting. If you're good enuf at rev matching, you can downshift without even using the clutch at all.
Only if you dont do it perfectly. When you rev-match and shift without using the clutch, "perfectly", there is virtually no wear on the synchros. A synchro's purpose is to allow the layshaft gear-collar and the gear to make frictional contact before the dog teeth make contact, allowing layshaft and the gear to synchronize their speeds before the teeth engage. When rev-matching, you are manually synchronizing the layshaft speed with the gear speed, therefore nullifying the functionality of the synchronizer on that shift.Kuchtaboy said:Thats bad for your syncro's
That is true, but there is still no point in doing it outside of a track situation or in an emergencies if your brakes fadeIntegration said:Providing you're rev-matching when downshifting, there is as little wear on your clutch as there is when upshifting. If you're good enuf at rev matching, you can downshift without even using the clutch at all.