1st time to post pics


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
O.E. status :thumbup:

seems like you want to make this sucker fast eh? do you wanna go N/A or Boost?


Unregistered User
TuuuurrrrBoooooo time! :)

Welcome, I'm Kuchta.


Unregistered User
Integration said:
turbo = cheap?? ..um not a good one.

Here are your options with turbo: a) FAST b) CHEAP c) RELIABLE

You can only pick 2.
hp to hp turbo is cheaper than NA build.

you can hit 250 hp a lot cheaper than you can with a NA build.

you are right tho with the options for turbo. If you want something crazy fast, expect to spend crazy amounts of money.


Master Poster
Kuchtaboy said:
hp to hp turbo is cheaper than NA build.

you can hit 250 hp a lot cheaper than you can with a NA build.

you are right tho with the options for turbo. If you want something crazy fast, expect to spend crazy amounts of money.
i agree with you 100%. It will be cheaper to go turbo, but even that is gonna cost a pretty penny for a quality setup.


New Member
Awesome man! Gotta love the black on black GSRs! My buddy has one just like it. They sound great!


Master Poster
Cheesenip said:
hit the bottle. Cheapest outta everything
Fo Sho! They have some nice setups where you set it to automatically kick in at WOT or i swear i heard you could set it based on RPM range, but i may be mistaken there. Anyways, its just only the push button fast n' the furious crap you see on tv and stuff.