Body prep is almost done, fromt what i read the prep of the body work is what makes it count and do it right. Right now all i have left is to do the both quarter panels ( have some rust spots building up) have to fiz that. Sand down both doors. Driver side there is a big dent that might need some attention and take time to pop it out and smooth it out. other then that i should be good to go for paint by next month. I dont know if you guys are familiar with Pimpbays. Hes up in the Ct area hes known to do some nice bays, Going to be stoping down on sunday shooting the primer and paint on the engine bay. If that gets done its a plus i can start putting the engine together and all the other accesories on. What sucks is everytime i go online and see something on a Integra i Change plans lol crazy!!!Can't wait to see how it goes manAny updates on the body or is she done?