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  1. klutchDb7

    --== [[ CLUB-INTEGRA GAMERs LOUNGE:: Xbox // PlayStation // Wii // PC ]] ==--

    I'll be on in 15. Let's make it happen peeps! Thinking about making a private CI lobby if we get enough people. Add me: klutchDb7

  2. klutchDb7

    Parello's JDM Honda Integra Type R..Milano Red (UK boy)

    Gorgeous car!!! Welcome to the club good sir :)
  3. klutchDb7

    Just bought, now overheats

    In my experience parts like that are best replaced with oem replacements. I'd try getting one from a dealer and having myself or someone who can do it for a good price help me out installing
  4. klutchDb7

    VOTE! September '12 ROTM

    Birthday month!! Good luck everyone!! Lots of great competition :)
  5. klutchDb7

    What do you guys think about this

  6. klutchDb7

    Where is your front license plate?

    As you can see from the picture above, I have none xD
  7. klutchDb7


    Lol okay I'll try and get something. And why do you think? Haha :oops: Lol! Manual dreamin
  8. klutchDb7

    Cruise control push to start

    Mighty car mods is stupid
  9. klutchDb7


  10. klutchDb7

    What do you guys think about this

    it'll definitely help it run better. I'm pretty harsh on mine and it takes it like a champ

  11. klutchDb7

    New to Club Integra!!

    Welcome welcome!
  12. klutchDb7

    DeAngebro's build thread: Saving a rice box.

    Tennessee or some crap hahaha
  13. klutchDb7

    Klutch's DB Build Thread

    I hate you hahaha
  14. klutchDb7

    Klutch's DB Build Thread

    NOOOOO!!!!! Lol. Hook me up with a type R wing, I might be swayed into getting one
  15. klutchDb7

    wiper delete question

    Hit it with a hammer What they said though^
  16. klutchDb7

    Klutch's DB Build Thread

    Whatchu talkin about foo? Haha Lol it's Colorado, they dgaf. You realy couldn't see us from the main road anyway haha. Thanks man :)
  17. klutchDb7

    DeAngebro's build thread: Saving a rice box.

    I don't think I've ever actually heard either of those songs xD
  18. klutchDb7

    Klutch's DB Build Thread

    Unedited pics
  19. klutchDb7

    Klutch's DB Build Thread

    What? lol