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  1. DarkDB1

    HID's and that sorta stuff

    Your night vision won't improve much... They will scatter everywhere. I put 4300K HID's in those crappy lights and couldn't stand the light out put and the fact I was blinding everyone in front of me. Then I got another set of JDM 1 pieces (I went from USDM to JDM, to EbayDM then...

  2. DarkDB1

    HID's and that sorta stuff

    Thank you... The JDM G3 headlights are not direct bolt ons, Modifications will be need to be done with some sheet metal and fiber glass/plastic work. The hood that bows down to the center of the headlights will need to be extended and reshaped about 2" along with the little lip part of the...
  3. DarkDB1

    epic marraige proposal

  4. DarkDB1

    epic marraige proposal

    That was awesome... Actually brought a tear to my eye.
  5. DarkDB1

    HID's and that sorta stuff

    You're going to have to do a real projector retro fit. There are only a few style's of headlights available for purchase and none of them will properly put out light. Best to buy the clear housed headlights like these... Because of the clear lens, JDM 1 pieces and USDM 3 pieces have the flute...
  6. DarkDB1

    90-91 4 door trunk lid fit a 92-93?

    It will... But you will need to change your tail lights to what ever year trunk lid it is. The tail lights differentiate due to the a more sloped profile in the middle.
  7. DarkDB1

    traded my ej8 for this DA :)

    You know there is no H in VTEC... Right?. I think the civic looked better then the Integra does but as previously stated, Spend a day on that engine bay... I don't think the coolant resevoir looks good being zip tied to the radiator and the Mugen valve cover is a knock off.
  8. DarkDB1

    JDM 1 Pieces----->help

    It's wiring issue. There's a crossed wire. Take them out and do it again... I did this once before.
  9. DarkDB1

    The Official DB1 Thread

    ^ It's rough bro.
  10. DarkDB1

    is this damage repairable?

    They go by the cars resale value in your area... It is repairable but it's questionable if they will total it for that.

  11. DarkDB1

    Fix it ticket confusion

    I think non correctable is a state ref ticket...
  12. DarkDB1

    2012 Offical Mugshots!!!!

    Some fap worthy folks on here for once.
  13. DarkDB1

    High beams and fog lights

    Which one? the re-wire or retrofit?... Fog light And as BrokenTalon said... I wouldn't run HID's without a retrofit because the flute lines in the housing are not meant to take that much output and scatter the light EVERYWHERE.... It is illegal and you won't see much...
  14. DarkDB1

    I cant work on my car!!!

    Oh, A HOA... I have one of those here but my neighbors are pretty cool except for one of the families on the side. HOA's are the worse and they have their own set of rules, chances are the owner of the house does have the rules in the lease as well... If not it will change. Were not allowed to...
  15. DarkDB1

    DA9 bumper foglights??

    That is actually my friend Kevin's DA.... Haven't seen him for quite a few years but the only thing different on his DA is the color. That front bumper is a Mugen REPLICA, I think VIS makes it... Not sure. The fog lights he found at either Autozone or Kragen
  16. DarkDB1

    Megan strut bars any good?

    That can be explained again... I drive 3 different cars regularly. I usually stick to just 2... A 2010 Ford Ranger at work and my 2007 Tacoma X-Runner, Then on days I don't feel like driving the truck, There's a 2007 Impala that I can drive... After driving the Impala for a few days and getting...
  17. DarkDB1

    Megan strut bars any good?

    That's just a mental thing sir... If someone were to steal it off your car or remove it without your knowledge you won't tell a difference. Especially since you have stock suspension, It did absolutely nothing to your car but have some bling under the hood.
  18. DarkDB1

    Megan strut bars any good?

    You won't notice much a difference if any at all with any sort of strut bar on the DA chassis... It's usually a mental thing, Kinda like if you feel baller enough and put a higher octane gasoline in the car you say it feels faster or even with oil changes you'll say it runs better all while it's...
  19. DarkDB1

    I'm on Google Maps Street View!

    Mercedes CLK63 Black in the 2nd link...
  20. DarkDB1

    my car got broken into

    Are you sure they used a slim jim?... There are soo many jingle keys for Honda's floating around.