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  1. bkirshr

    LS db7 Integra exhaust question

    this, I have it on my DB7. It fits perfectly.
  2. bkirshr

    2014 Ride of the Year Awards ( Apps due by 12/15)

    Here's mine, I just updated last year's if that's okay (needs it's title changed) Best 98-01 style Best 4 door
  3. bkirshr

    Klutch's DB Build Thread

    lol they did this with my car too with my old front lip.
  4. bkirshr

    Post your favorite pics of your car(s)

    Can't decide which is my favorite out of these two.
  5. bkirshr

    Most recent picture of your car!

    haha thanks JRob. Yep, they are Felgenwerks twists. They are a 3sdm 0.06 replica.
  6. bkirshr

    Most recent picture of your car!

    Thanks guys! It's actually just my phone. Galaxy S5
  7. bkirshr

    Post a pic of your latest purchase.

    it's the new NSX..
  8. bkirshr

    will these wheels and tires work?

    They will fit if you aren't lowered

  9. bkirshr

    2013+ CI Official DB Squad Thread!

    I haven't posted my latest updates in this thread yet, here's to that, and bringing the DB squad back to life!
  10. bkirshr

    Fender Rubbing on 16x8 +40 lowered 3 inches?

    Adding a spacer doesn't make the wheel wider, it just moves the offset. If you're originally at +40, adding an inch spacer (25.4 mm) would effectively make it 16x7 +14.6 offset. If you HAVE to get spacers, get hubcentric ones so that your spacer and wheel will be all aligned with the hub...
  11. bkirshr

    XslickwhitetegX Progress

    I must have missed you at IA this year!
  12. bkirshr

    Front Strut Bar

    Then paint it to look extra dope. Also add stickers until desired amount of horseys are achieved.
  13. bkirshr

    Front Strut Bar

    Get a 2x4 and screw some brackets on the ends, then bolt it up. That's the true ricer way.
  14. bkirshr

    Wet and dry compression test results

    Thanks for the insight guys, it was a big help!
  15. bkirshr

    Wet and dry compression test results

    Interesting. Unfortunately I took the compression tester at the same time I got my new battery, so next time I'm there I might rent it again, but for now I'll probably just ride it out and start looking a little harder for maybe a new car.
  16. bkirshr

    Wet and dry compression test results

    That's the weird part. I've never had to add oil between oil changes. EDIT: check that. I did have to add like a half quart after my last oil change. But I just blamed that on not having a full 5-quart jug when I filled it. I just buy the 5 quart bottles and save whatever is left over after...
  17. bkirshr

    Wet and dry compression test results

    Thanks for the help guys, I did a quick 10 minute search at work for motors locally, I found that B18B's come for about $600-800, and complete 5 speed swaps with a motor are in the $1500 range. I think it would be the perfect opportunity to swap to 5 speed. I think I'd have a homie hookup on...
  18. bkirshr

    Wet and dry compression test results

    Responded inside quote ^