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  1. justjdm


    Where did u buy it from? I know some integras that get imported from Japan in Canada come with 1.5 or 1.6 SOHC engines in them. Not sure why someone would want to do that but yea swap a LS 1.8 in it and you'll be fine unless your looking for something a bit beefer, then I would look into a ITR...

  2. justjdm

    Need help/ advice on increasing hp

    Research and google are your best friend when it comes to questions like this. First of all, how much HP you trying to achieve? If your looking at a small amount then I would suggest header, intake, exhaust, etc. your basic bolt ons. If your looking for a lot, then I would either go LS/Vtec...
  3. justjdm

    Someone help pleas!!!!!!

    ^LOL! I'm 99.9 percent sure it's your ignition coil. It is located in the distributor as soon as u pop off the cap and rotor. Happened to me after replacing my engine. Started up once then the next day it wouldn't start at all. Here is a link for what I'm talking about...
  4. justjdm

    One thing after another...

    You can run your car without the thermostat if needed. Really not recommended but it won't hurt for a few days just to see whats going on. If your coolant isnt circulating it could be because of a blocked thermostat also. Best way to tell if your water pump is working properly is to take out the...
  5. justjdm

    Screech's Dirty Daily DC2 Budget Ricer

    Looks really JDM man! :) Dont be like Kren and 3M vinyl his whole SI carbon fiber! LOL! He is a fucking idiot!
  6. justjdm

    car parts 1994 integra ls
  7. justjdm

    broken sunroof switch

    Sounds like a bad switch then
  8. justjdm

    Looking for Integra bra

    What year Integra?
  9. justjdm

    broken sunroof switch

    Might be a bad switch. I got one for $8 shipped if needed. The motor might be bad also.
  10. justjdm

    car leaking

    You could try and buy a used set from a junkyard or someone parting out their car and try that. If not you could always go to Acura and buy new seals but I doubt it a window replacement place is gonna be able to repair that. Also another suggestion is look at your firewall. There could be a hole...

  11. justjdm

    Most recent picture of your car!

    Haha! Nice! I remember when I had my son's mattress hanging out the back of the hatch! LOL!
  12. justjdm

    TE37's on Milano Red jdm front Teg?

    Gotcha. I know some people don't wanna show of their cars due to theft as well. It's all good! To be honest, I think your car will look good with purple TE37's! If you don't want the christmas look, I would go with that!
  13. justjdm

    TE37's on Milano Red jdm front Teg?

    Hey bro, think I was talking to you months ago and we were messaging each other back and forth. You gonna start a build thread anytime soon? Saw u never had one yet and haven't seen what your car looks like unless its the one under your profile.
  14. justjdm

    Smackinassvtec's 98 GSR

    Fresh! :)
  15. justjdm

    car leaking

    Most likely its the seals around the front windows or the hatch area. That's where most of the wear is on the seals and they get flattened over time.
  16. justjdm

    Ebay Rims: 16" Bronze Rims

    These are probably made out of cheap ass metal that will crack easily. IMO, avoid em and look into Rotas or Drags if you wanna go cheap. Roughly run around the same price.
  17. justjdm

    new whip, first teg

    Very nice find especially with the JDM front!
  18. justjdm

    My 94 Sedan Build-Up - Lots of Pics = ) [ Updated Constantly... So Stay TUNED!!! ]

    Damn what happened? Looks like you ran up on a curb or something. Headlights look fine at least, but hard to tell from pic. Hope its a quick turnaround!
  19. justjdm

    How to verify bad headgasket?

    Usually there would be white smoke coming from the tailpipe and your car would over heat eventually. Thats the easy ways of testing it. But like dopematic said, leakdown test is the best way to know for sure!
  20. justjdm

    CI Official DB Squad thread pt.2

    Do it! :) Old pic, but the best one of my DB8!!!