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  1. justjdm

    Most recent picture of your car!

    Nope! Haha! Thanks man! They need a good polish also.

  2. justjdm

    Most recent picture of your car!

    Just got home from work. What a crappy day today! Rainy and cold. :(
  3. justjdm

    Low budget ( 95 k swap)

    I just cut all my ABS wiring all the way back to the firewall, but that's me. Seems like it would take awhile to unpin all of it.
  4. justjdm

    New to site... Db8 gsr

    Yea those look legit. Some old school one's but that's what they looked like! A lot of older VW's rocked these, just not sure how comfy they are.
  5. justjdm

    Matt's Project DC4

    At least u found out the easy way and inspected it! That would of really sucked if u found out after installing it!
  6. justjdm

    New member

    Sweet! Can't be that!
  7. justjdm

    1SloTeg 95 Integra Build

    You decide to keep the car now? Looks like it doesn't need much to make it stand out!
  8. justjdm

    Tork's build thread

    Love the clean stock look!
  9. justjdm

    New member

    That just a stock LS hydro trans? Looks clean as hell!
  10. justjdm

    New to site... Db8 gsr

    Sweet find! What kinda car they came out of?

  11. justjdm

    New to site... Db8 gsr

    Looks clean! I really like that front lip! Looks like u got red interior in the lat pic unless its just really dark.
  12. justjdm

    Teggykid Log

    Make sure u get the head resurfaced so the head gasket doesn't go! I would swap the head studs with ARP ones while the head is off too! Hope u can get it up and running soon!
  13. justjdm

    SimpleLS' '95 DB7

    Great job on that auto shift knob! I seen worse believe me but that looks good!
  14. justjdm

    The Cleanest Integras. **Don't post YOUR car**

    I didn't know the blue integra from the very first Fast and the Furious was a DB!
  15. justjdm

    New member

    ^Nice! I wish I had a lift in my garage! LOL! Good updates!
  16. justjdm

    sunroof question

    Yup all 94-01 integra's are the same. Only difference is 2 doors aren't compatible with 4 doors.
  17. justjdm

    What is the purpose of this?

    The ones under your headlight on the passenger side are the ABS relays:
  18. justjdm

    SimpleLS' '95 DB7

    Nice brake setup!
  19. justjdm

    New Guy From NY My DC4 Build!

    Shit is mad clean! Good work man keeping up on it! You gonna keep driving it through the winter? I know how snow gets in NY! Lol!
  20. justjdm

    Passon13's Running log 98 ls

    Nice find! Get that valve cover painted!